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iBCS Paper 3: A Biopharmaceutics Classification System for Orally Inhaled Drug Products

We are very excited to announce that Molecular Pharmaceutics has published the 3rd paper in the iBCS series! The article is open access and can be accessed using this link: https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.molpharmaceut.3c00685

This is the first time that a quantitative biopharmaceutics classification system for orally inhaled drugs has been published. To date, orally inhaled drug product developers have lacked a biopharmaceutics classification system like the one developed to navigate the development of immediate release of oral medicines (the BCS). The development of an inhalation biopharmaceutics classification system (iBCS) has been an initiative supported by the Product Quality Research Institute (PQRI) and the goal has been to generate a qualitative biopharmaceutics classification system that can be utilized by inhalation scientists as a “rule of thumb” to identify desirable molecular properties and recognize and manage CMC product development risks based on physicochemical properties of the drug and the deposited lung dose.

Enjoy the read (and it's open access too!).

A big thank you to the publication authors, the reviewers and editors of Molecular Pharmaceutics, and PQRI.